Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Loomin' Fight

We aren't in a rush to buy a scooter. We will do it soon enough, that's for sure, but I am going to stick to my guns and sell a vehicle to do it. And I'm going to fight my wife over this, and it's going to get ugly!

I mean, come on...if I will soon have access to a scooter to get me to work on days I don't want to ride the bicycle, or on days I don't want to take the bus, then why the hell should I maintain a second car in the driveway that will be driven even less?

First of all, scooter sales are booming. There's a premium that I'd pay just to get one, like there are premiums on Priuses. Buying one at the all-time gasoline price peak is not very smart. However, I can offset this unknown premium by selling the Civic which likely carries its own premium. It's likely a sought after car for the millions of maxed-out SUV owners who saw their Tahoe lose eight grand in value overnight and can't bear to sell it, but can't bear to service its fuel cost either.

Fucking unbelievable! I just can't imagine being someone who shelled out forty two thousand for a rig in 2004 that today might fetch twenty two. I also just can't imagine being someone who wants to buy a used rig for twenty two thousand today. And...I just can't imagine being someone who just bought a scooter while paying maintenance and insurance on a car that will sit in the driveway even more.

I've gotten over infatuations with material possessions, but my wife never will, and that's why we'll fight. Her view is the American way, isn't it? Can't live without your stuff, and you can't live with it, so off to public storage it goes! Or in my case, into the closets and corners it goes. My house is stuffed, stuffed! I make no bones about how much shit I have in my house and how much I detest it. But I cannot win against my wife and kid, who hoard to no end. I have control over a few areas; my garage, my shed, my bathroom sink, and my bedroom end table. These areas are clean and clutter free, and the rest of the house you have to wade through eight inches of clutter. Every horizontal surface in the house, by law, must be cluttered with stuff, and they are. If there's an unoccupied surface on a desk, a shelf, a room corner, a cabinet, or a mantle, she has to buy something to fill the void. Every drawer in the house is bursting.

I love my family, but I don't love the stuff.

And seeing how the Civic is 'mine' and the Dodge is 'hers', well, there's no issue with me getting rid of 'my' car. It's going to happen.

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