Monday, July 21, 2008

Eagle Craft

There was a new Eagle Craft Verano sitting outside the door to my work this morning. What is it, you say? A scooter, manufactured by the Taizhou Zhongneng corporation in...China! One of our fellow distribution employees bought one recently, she had to assemble it as it as it came in a box, $1800. Low price!

So my HD riding coworker and I were outside commenting on the bike. He's biased because it's not a Harley. I'm biased because it's Chinese. The front plastic emblem was crooked; that was the only thing we could find fault with, but that's apparently enough. "A piece of shit," we both collectively muttered under our breath.

I'm struck by the name, Eagle Craft. This implies some American manufacturing ethos built into this scooter. I can see it now; a bibbed, mustachioed Midwestern steel worker, sweat on the brow, hand forging intake valves for an Eagle Craft street machine. Bold, American detailing, custom built in the heartland where legends come to life. Born of fire and freedom, the Eagle Craft will take back the streets!


Anonymous said...

I'm interested, where do you work? You seem to know a lot about the SMUD PV and solar shares program. Do you work at SMUD?

Anonymous said...

Oh so you DO work at SMUD! That is my EagleCraft Scooter you are taking issue with Mister!!! Don't know if you are kidding about the box thing, because it isnt true. But I find it amusing that you are actually posting a blog about my scooter. Luckily I didnt buy it to impress anyone else. Only to save gas. And that is what I am doing at 85 mpg.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, how is the Eaglecraft working out for you? I'm thinking about purchasing one but the fact that they are Chinese machines makes me reluctant. Also, which model did you go with?

Anonymous said...

I got the Verano. Mine did have some problems that the dealer fixed under the 1 year warranty. So far so good. The problems weren't something they had encountered with the other models, so it seems like mine was a fluke. We will have to see.

Insania said...

Unbelievable! Hard to imagine anyone I might know would actually read my blog...I'm a critic of a great many things so please don't take anything I say personally.

To be honest, the 'boxed' scooter was referring to Nancy on 59th street who did get a boxed scooter and who returned it as it wasn't street legal in CA. I thought this was your scooter but I was clearly wrong.

I'm Bryan, I work in SPAC in the downstairs corner; I'll introduce myself the next time I see you.

As Alex pointed out,(to answer your question she has the Eaglecraft Verano) I'm also reluctant to buy a Chinese scooter as I tested the Lance, Vespa, Fiji and Vino and was completely disillusioned with the Chinese fit and finish...even though I could buy two of them for one Vespa.

I will absolutely concede my point if this scooter works out for you. I bicycle into work most mornings so I know what it means to save gas, and I never impress anyone while on my bike. I blog with bad faith, I know; don't let me take anything away from what you're doing.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I bought an EagleCraft about a year ago for myself and looking again for my gf. I have had no problems with mine, but looking to make sure nobody else has either. Seems like nothing but good stuff out there on them, and if anybody does, EagleCraft has taken care of it. Looks like I will be purchasing a pink one for her Christmas present. Maybe I will get a deal for buying two?!