Thursday, July 17, 2008

Do Nothing, Do Something

As we approach the 7th year following the twin towers downing, I'm trying to think of what I did back in October of that year...what did I do, in terms of what Bush requested some three or four weeks afterwards, by telling us that our "continued participation in the American economy would be greatly appreciated." Something like that.

Well, I didn't put a flag on my car or on its antenna. I didn't buy a new car (wasn't that a direct request?), taking advantage of 0% financing. We did fly out to NYC in November to see the still smoking rubble pile and facade of WTC south. We were doing our patriotic duty to consume, and we did; the vacation was nice, even if somewhat macabre.

All that consumption, however, what did it lead to? Two wars? An impossible-to-maintain run on housing 'units?' Increased personal and public debts? And I'm wondering about the next crisis, and the next "call to consume." Will I do it? Do you suppose it is possible to do nothing, and still do something?

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