Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sacramento County Bicycle Advisory Committee

I am finally going to do something more proactive than throwing up a few PV panels then sit back and blog about shit that's wrong with Elk Grove, with my region, or with you. (there's nothing wrong with me...) I applied for the vacant seat on the Sacramento County Bicycle Advisory Committee.

I'm terrified at the prospect, because I like the anonymity of Gonesolar and because I've never participated at any level of government. That is, until about three weeks ago, when I finished serving my first jury duty. That was the first and only time I've ever been inside a courtroom and the experience was rewarding enough that I think I ought do more as a civil servant. My outlet would be to shape transportation policy where I live, if I'm posted.

The BAC oversees matters relating to the implementation to the 2010 Sacramento City/County Bicycle Master Plan, and the vacant seat is open for a three year term. I was made aware of this position by an anonymous co-worker who saw my ideas published on the SMUD internal forum boards (thoughts/ideas that are mirrored on Gonesolar), and suggested I'd be a good fit.

"Those who wish to control their own lives and move beyond existence as mere clients and consumers -- those people ride a bike." Wolfgang Sachs -- For the Love of the Automobile

1 comment:

amy@therunnershi said...

congratulations (in advance)! i'm sure you'll get the position. and even if you didn't, congratulations would still be in order for stepping up. effect some change, rattle some chains. and while i agree that it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, i do get so much enjoyment from all of the cursing ... so please don't give up the blog.