Tuesday, January 13, 2009


The latest forecasted deficits for 2009:

The Federal Gov'ment: $1,186,000,000,000 (My share, $3,765)
The State of California: $16,000,000,000 (My share, $441)
The County of Sacramento: $123,000,000 (My share, $89)
The City of Elk Grove: $1,396,630 (My share, $12)
Your Monologueonian's Relatives: $13,735
Your Monologueonian: $0.00

Can you see why I'm thinking about buying shotshells, rifle ammunition, 70 lbs. of propane and several 50lb sacks of flour, beans, rice and barley? Hoarding Krugerrands? Cash stuffed in coffee cans? 50 vials of insulin? Twenty bottles of synthroid?

These are the just debts for 2009, on top of any other debts that might exist...like our $10,000,000,000,000 public debt, our unfunded future social security liabilities, or our unfunded future medicare liabilities.

I did my taxes this weekend. $401 back from the feds, $2,359 from the state...but I can't file yet without my real W-2, and the later I file, the more likely I'll just get an I.O.U. from California. "Thanks, sucker!" will be stamped on the back.

Here's another thought experiment: if Obama somehow shoehorns in his $150 billion "tax cut" to middle Merika, as he's been suggesting lately, but instead of consuming more we just pay down personal debt because we're leveraged up to our eyeballs in mortgage, vehicle, and MasterCard debt...doesn't that just create $150 billion in federal debt? The burden of which falls to the taxpayer? What's the sense in that?

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