Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bailout, Schmailout

I defend the use of solar subsidies, yet excoriate the bailout programs. Is this consistent?

  • Hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out banks I don't need. Banks you don't need. You and I only need access to our money. Period.

  • Programs to prevent more foreclosures, to prevent those who fiscally fucked up from taking responsibility for their inept decision making. Yep, can't bother bailing out all those who already foreclosed, it's too late. The Foreclosure Roulette.

  • A federal tax credit, a $7,500 credit! for first time home buyers last year. Wa-hey! All those who had the reckoning to wait until homes were affordable, or to wait until they could front their own down payment. Nope, a house they could afford just wasn't enough. Reward those who happened to buy after April 9th, while the 93.27% who bought before then get to pay for the credit.

  • A debt-fueled HOV freeway lane building spree, coming to former farmland near you, sparked by Obama's trillion-dollar-stimulus. While we're at it, build some more tunnels. Yeah, encourage the movement of a few thousand more cars each day through new holes in rock, just the thing we need to reach our energy independence and air quality goals.

  • While we're still at it, bail out Detroit to provide 0% financing so debt-laden Merikans can drive new cars instead of used cars through those holes in the rock, and across those single occupant lanes.

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