Monday, December 29, 2008

Y & T

Barack -- Mr. O -- Well, he's going to be plowing more money into freeways in today's dollars than FDR ever did to restore Europe and Japan. More money in today's dollars than Eisenhower ever did to build the interstate highway system. That's the plan to get our economy moving again.

We're gonna build hundreds and hundreds of thousands of new lane-miles when only yesterday (July, to be exact) we were all bitching about the price of gasoline, that we'd have to Drill!, Baby!, Drill! our way out of our supply problem. Now we're gonna solve all our economic ills through further consumption of a non-renewable resource by laying down non-renewable asphalt and allow a bailed out and likely bankrupt auto manufacturing sector to build more cars to motor upon them by drivers who only pretend to own them.

This is sustaining the unsustainable. The last thing we should be doing is to promote continued perpetual private automobiling but that's exactly what we're going to do, because it's all we're capable of.

Just yesterday we thought we had an oil supply problem. Just yesterday we saw transit ridership hit all time marks. Just yesterday we received another hint of what a supply disruption might bring. Just today, supplies are seemingly limitless. Just today, we are seeing the percentage of trucks and large vehicle sales rise again with cheap gasoline. Just today, transit ridership is down, transit funding is cut off, transit services eliminated, while borrowed billions are being allocated towards new freeways.

Yesterday & Today are being ignored. Tomorrow will look no different -- but with several million more acres of parking lots, several million more miles of roads, and several hundred million more motor vehicles.

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