Sunday, February 6, 2011

Double Digits

I don't need a graphical description of the rising costs of healthcare in our greatest nation in the world:

No, I can look at my paycheck and see the double digit annual increase in premiums for myself.

This exponential growth might, just might, be acceptable if there was a concomitant increase in the real health of our nation's inhabitants and if we knew this exponential growth would slake at some future point.

But there isn't, and arguably we're seeing a decline in our real health, as we allow increasingly subsidized corn syrup to take on a greater share of our diets, as we allow suburban development out on the fringes of civilization to prevent people from walking to take care of basic living needs. We are living longer, indeed. But push that graph out another fifty years. Can we accept 75% of our GDP to be used for cat scans and pharmaceuticals when we coulda just walked the dog thirty minutes a day?

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