Sunday, June 27, 2010

The One That's Never Consumed

Yesterday I had two separate discussions about residential solar PV retrofits -- one in my front yard with a neighbor and the other at a neighbor's party. Seemingly, more people are becoming interested in PV, considering how it took almost two and a half years to get two people to talk to me about my PV system and now twice in one day.

I will say it again: it is far more cost effective to reduce your consumption first before engaging in PV. Always. Weatherproof your doors. Seal any electrical outlets along outside walls. Consider new windows. Or a new HVAC system. Crush out all those phantom loads like phone chargers and stereo subwoofers. Not only will you live more comfortably, you will most certainly find it to be a better value; the cheapest kilowatt-hour is the one that is never consumed.

A retrofit PV system will never offer any comfort, unless you consider the ridiculous notion of "goin' green" comfortable. It won't provide shade and it will never keep you warmer in winter. PV might make you feel good, though, by you knowing how you are "saving the world" while everyone else around you is actively destroying makes you feel important.

Yep. Clearly, only I am willing to save the world, ride a bike, use a cloth grocery bag, and get power from the sun, while all of you pollute the earth with your meat eating, your SUV driving, your Drill Baby Drill mantra, and your plastic water bottles.

Go ahead, Insania, keep on thinking that.

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