Wednesday, June 9, 2010

46 Grams

Even though I make this bold claim of vegetarianism, I still fell far short of being an actual vegetarian.

I kept track of every morsel that entered my gullet last month. I ate, on average, 2,396 calories per day, 46 grams of fiber per day, with 32% of my total calories coming from fat. Now, to get anywhere near 46 grams of fiber you have to be eating a lot of plants, and by consuming 2,400 calories a day, that doesn't leave a whole lot left for milk, cheese, and meat. Nonetheless, I still ate 2.5# of meat for the month.

These were the ribs at the party, the tri-tip on the boat, the chicken in the salad ('cause damn near every salad at every restaurant contains meat), etc. I avoid meat, but damn, it's everywhere and I've a meat tooth.

At that rate I'm swallowing 30# of meat per year, which is 1/7th of what the average American consumes. My goal for 2010 is to eat less than the world average meat production, which is 90#.

The goal is multi-fold: to reduce water usage, to reduce fossil fuel usage, to [supposedly] reduce heart disease risks, to reduce my chances of ever getting arthritis, etc. It makes sense for me to do so if I espouse a closer-to-sustainable lifestyle. Although, I use far more than my worldly allotment of natural resources simply by being an Elk Grovian, what with all our compulsory motoring we do.

In the end, I can only try...

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