Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I commuted by single occupant motorized vehicle today because I am attending a training class in Folsom this week. Because the entire Sacramento region lacks multi-hour public transit, I was forced into single occupant self-motoring as there is no public transit available to me beyond 5:15 PM from Folsom. The training class breaks at 5:30 PM.

And I can't really bicycle in the dark...or there won't be a blog post the following day. Too dangerous with our complete lack of bicycle options beyond the traffic lanes.

I've not seen traffic like I saw tonight since 2003. Sorry, there is no recession going on, based on the number of vehicles I saw this evening. With gas at ~$2.10, people are driving more now than ever. More than ever.

The volume of traffic I witnessed today...Elk Grovians should be celebrating the 'recession'. Each of these fuckers, cocooned in their own private vehicle, should be praising the fact that there aren't another 6,000 commuters vying for the same roadway. 6,000 less because they were foreclosed on, fired, or laid off. Elk Grove has lost nearly 8% of its pre-crisis population.

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