Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Sixty Five

Wondering why you're stuck in traffic? Why we haven't done enough to get some of those other cars off the roadways? Wondering how to get others to use public transit? Look no farther than the #65 bus stop on Franklin Blvd.:

The Siggy Five runs on the hour. If you just missed it, you could stand here under the shade of the 4x4 signpost for 60 minutes. But you've got your three cold babies, and their mouths and your patience can't take an hour waiting for the next bus. So you think "maybe I'll start humping it." You could cover a good range with your 2.4 mph hoof speed. So you turn around and look south:

(Note: Bike show for scale)

What a pleasant walk this is going to be! There's shade every eighty feet or so, county provided illumination, and there's even nature -- snakes, squirrels, and burrowing owls! Most of them aren't moving, you notice, and why do they all lie there, lifeless, in the middle of the roadway?

Well, as pleasant as that walk sounds, you nevertheless elect to return home across the street for two cans of Mr. Pibb while you wait for the next bus. You're pretty sure that jaywalking the 4 lanes of bidirectional traffic here is legal, as you don't see a crosswalk within 200' in either direction. You also know that every driver is obeying the posted 45mph speed limit on this road, so you elect to time your crossing based on their known distances. You've already worn down a path between the hawthorne bushes on the landscaped median during your first crossing to get to the bus stop, so going back will be a breeze.

"Oh, darn," you say, having missed the bus again...the second time this week. Mr. Grant is gonna be mighty sore with me...

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