Saturday, August 16, 2008

Phoenix International

What do you suppose is the purpose of this tower overlooking the newer Phoenix Park development on Franklin Blvd.?

What does it do? Will snipers post here? I fully admit I have not once stepped foot into this Phoenix Park Activity Center. For all I know, this tower might house fifty people. But come on; you and I both know there isn't one damn thing this tower does. Not one damn thing it provides for its residents or its community.

Look at this thing; there was a lot of effort put into the architectural design, the construction, the 'detailing.' It's nearly as tall as the flagpole on the right. Is this what we pay architectural firms to design? Apparently the flat single story center wasn't sufficient; no, the firm had to shoehorn in a 13' by 13' conning tower...SSN-664, the Sea Phoenix. Or maybe it's the control tower for Phoenix International.

In any event, the bottom cornice above the lower window serves no purpose whatsoever; it certainly doesn't throw rainwater free of the window below it, and neither does either cornice above it. The tower's frieze is blank yellow stucco with faux shutters and windows above it.

I see myself as a young architect, waiting for my opportunity to really outdo myself. I propose the Phoenix International Tower, presenting a scaled down popsicle stick model to my superiors. That it does nothing, provides for no one, and affords the community with precisely dick is irrelevant. It looks cool. The fight to get this thing past the city's zoning codes was admittedly bloody, but worth it. I was granted an exemption to the law-against-more-than-one-story. The firm prospers, and I become partner.

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