Monday, October 26, 2009


I'm amazed at the indifference my Elk Grovian neighbors have towards one other:

House on left -- occupied by people who care about their pristine landscape.
House on right -- foreclosed on due to default on deed of trust.
House on left -- occupied by people who don't give a flying fuck about their neighborhood.
House on right -- man-sized weeds due to nature.
House on left -- occupied by people who think they are an island of their own.
House on right -- clearly neglected by rightful owners.
House on left -- clearly negligent of their own neighborhood and everyone else who might live among them.

Seems to me that if someone is willing to keep up their property, the very nature of living next door to a foreclosure should spur them to provide for a modicum level of maintenance even if it means doing some manual labor like cutting weeds. Certainly these neighbors of mine don't give a rat's ass about where they live, only about where they live. We can bash the people who bought a house they couldn't afford, yes. But why these next door neighbors couldn't spend a few minutes of their time to maintain the landscape of a bank owned property is really telling of what kinds of people we have in our communities. People who don't give a shit about anything but what they own, their own property, their own private realm.

This is what Elk Grove is -- a land of private realms with no public realms filled with indignant people who only care about me, me, me, my, my, my, mine, mine, mine, and fuck everything else. This is what suburbia gives us. It gives us people who are failures at being citizens because there is no reason whatsoever to become a decent citizen. So long as the roads are maintained to perpetually drive, so long as the big box stores are regularly and cheaply filled with 12,000 items, they couldn't give a shit about their neighbors because they mean nothing to them, they provide them nothing of value.

Nothing of value.

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