Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Uninsured

I've been reading about how, in these "tough economic times," California is approaching an 18% uninsured motorist rate.

My predictions for 2009 said that there would be more unregistered drivers in the state, and this prediction is holding true. However, I failed to also account for the correlation between the unregistered and the uninsured and the unemployed, which all rise and fall together.

By some accounts, this percentage is set to rise to almost 1 in six drivers. And indeed, there's also those who, instead of dropping their coverage, decide to take on minimum coverage.

Even so, I don't carry uninsured motorist -- but I am considering a change. Considering a change, because I recently found out that uninsured motorist insurance covers me (in California) for any roadway accident where contact was made by the uninsured vehicle. Read: as I ride my bike along Franklin Blvd., my auto uninsured motorist policy would cover me for any motor vehicle accident, even if my covered vehicle is in my driveway.

However, I do have medical insurance. My own medical insurance should cover the costs to fix me up, but it won't cover lost wages or other forms of compensation I could be entitled to. I will weigh the cost of this supplemental coverage against its benefits.

So here's my plan of attack, and I'm wondering if you agree: I will drop my liability coverage by half, to 50/100, from 100/300, to account for the fact that I'm an infrequent, small car driver. I will offset this with a 50/100 uninsured motorist policy.

I will assume all the risk of causing more than a $50k accident with my little Honda car, offset by the more likely possibility of getting hit by a hit and run motorist on Franklin Blvd. on my bike.

First of all, I follow the Smith Driving principles. One of the best mandatory training courses my employer has ever enrolled me in. It drives my wife fucking nuts, but hey, at least I got a better chance of not causing an accident than your average moronic NASCAR crazed driver. I drive to work on average only once every two weeks, so I'll take my chances on that day. Weekends and holidays, I'll also take my chances. And, I drive a small car. I'm not likely to total that Yukon Denali or cause too much damage.

Second of all...I ride my bike through economically and employment depressed Elk Grove and South Sacramento. What, you think these drivers are statistically below the 18% statewide uninsured rate? Not fucking likely; in fact, I'd bet the number approaches 25% where I ride. And consider that these sorts of drivers are also predisposed to alcohol abuse, also fail to maintain their vehicles correctly, and simply don't take responsibility for their actions or inactions (such as texting, cell phone use, eating while driving, speeding, running red lights, inattentiveness, etc).

When Lupe Romero Rodriguez, the immigrant with an expired visa from Tabasco hits me from behind in his unregisted red Chevy beater truck on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., drunk on Tecate after another unsuccessful attempt to secure day labor, you think he's gonna stick around "exchanging information" or "assisting the police in reporting?" Right...

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