Monday, October 27, 2008

A Week From Wednesday

As a former vehicular commuter I used to listen to conservative talk radio while slogging to the office and home. Only after I changed the pattern, to biking and busing, did I notice the absence of the radioactive bombardment I got from of all those AM commercials. Free radio? Today I use a DVR that lets me blow through TV's advertisements, and I have a strong ability to ignore the ads in my Sacramento Bee (so I think), much to the chagrin of McClatchy whose stock is being defibrillated as I write.

What I find amazing is how political advertisements are still somehow able to reach me. I am cognizant of who/what has more money in each game because I can't escape the bombardment. I can't seem to hole myself up even though I know it's coming, as regularly as the sun on leap day. Amazing...and every year everyone says this year is the most important election cycle in our history. Really?

I won't presume the election of 1840 was any less contentious -- an economic depression ensnared the nation (brought on by the 'speculative' banking panic of 1837) and Van Buren was painted as a wealthy snob living in luxury at the nation's expense. Senator Harrison won decisively. But imagine me -- a late October Whig blogger of 1840 -- whose pen vitrioled all those Democrats who espoused different ideals. I might have penned some clever fakery -- perhaps a forgery suggesting the British Ambassador supported Van Buren in an effort to bring out the Irish vote for Harrison in swing states. Or some shit like that. Perhaps I may have only been one step removed from a common vandal. Nonetheless, here we are one hundred and sixty eight years later with bad blood still spilt via the TV, the web, and email; lawn signs stolen/destroyed in broad daylight; phone/cable lines cut; "Nigger Lover" painted on garage doors; cars keyed and brake lines cut; effigies hung.

This secondary infusion of drama is an additional avenue for others to get their message to my already saturated synapses. I really am looking forward to a week from Wednesday.

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