Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Whiskey Victor

I had a roommate at West Point from West Virginia, Dan Clevenger. As you can guess, he wasn't brown. Neither was my old WAPA boss, Bob Miller. I'm not too bright about a lot of things, but based on the few people I know from Whiskey Victor (Dan's nickname), I can see why Obama didn't win that country state today.

I wonder if Hillary donned overalls at Joe's fill station whilst campaigning in WV this weekend. While taking hits of moonshine, I'm sure she peered down the jug and reflected on how corn ethanol (i.e., legalized moonshine) could help these folks with the awful price of gas going forward.

But quitters never win, so on she goes, having, according to the news, lost another 4 super delegates to Obama today. The thing is, you can never discount how much of a crafty bitch she might be. I mean that in a good way. That is, what's the possibility that she loses the popular vote, raw number of states, delegates and pledged delegates and somehow at the end of the Denver convention, she wins? That is, she knew all along that she has the real power, the real influences necessary to pull off a last-minute coup. Wouldn't that just be something?

Come on, she more or less waltzed into the New York senate, riding her husband's coattails...they were from Arkansas, weren't they? Is there any requirement that you live in the state you represent? I haven't read the constitution lately, so I really don't know. But you don't get into such positions of power without knowing how to sidestep a few landmines, and Obama might just be another landmine.

If the right is characterized by a splintered base, imagine what a sudden Hillary overtaking would do to the left. White Woman uses her considerable clout to trample the Black Man. In addition to destroying the democratic party it could almost undue all the civil rights progress we've made in the past 40 years. I'm serious about this...but it's just another doomsday scenario, so it's just a thought exercise, right?

What I'm really thinking about, however, is how race relations will play out in any future era of energy scarcity. Do you allocate energy based on wealth? Or will it be more democratic? I highly doubt the latter, particularly when you consider the resources we will by vying for aren't necessarily ours to begin with...they are global. If you look at oil today, this exact Tuesday, at $126 a barrel, this is the global price. We have already priced out Lagos, Dhaka, Montevideo...wouldn't the wealthy in our country do the exact same to our poorer citizens? And who are our poorest? Urban Blacks and Rural Whites from Whiskey Victor.

Tue, 13 May 2008 20:45:23 +0200

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