Saturday, April 19, 2008

Expand Mass Transit!

With traffic and energy prices worsening, now is the time to shift to affordable public transportation. Fortunately, Americans like me have finally recognized the need for everyone else to do exactly that.

Expanding mass transit isn't just a good idea, it's a necessity. Driving from Elk Grove to Sacramento at 7:45 in the morning, sometimes I sit in traffic for upwards of one hour to get to work. It's about time somebody did something to get some of these other cars off the road. I'd bet that expanded bus service from Elk Grove would cut 10-15 minutes off my morning commute drive time.

On days I don't drive, my other slogan on the back of my bike shirt would read "Take the Bus...I'll be Glad You Did." I've seen a lot of other people on the bus these's not your daddy's transit system anymore. It isn't just a means for some poor sucker to get to work...he should also be using it to drive to the laundrymat, the market, and the mall.

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