Thursday, April 3, 2008

Energy Racism

It's Chinese and Indian demand for oil that's the cause for our high prices, isn't it? Absolutely! Jacking up the price, those bastards. How is it that the bicycle and rickshaw aren't good enough for them anymore? We never had that history so clearly those forms of transport don't apply to us. And screw their Tata Nanos!

You can see it coming. You can feel the racism swelling. We complain about the Iraq war, but we complain even more about an extra thirty five cents a gallon for gas. Now, they (collectively) are the problem. Their demand might soon be in direct confrontation with our Carter Doctrine.

An Albertan tar sand pipeline to their west coast? To export their energy to China instead of us? Unthinkable.

I am waiting for that single resource shortage to occur. Won't happen anytime soon, I think, but it will happen soon enough. How do you suppose our southern evangelical NASCAR population will respond? "We must fight the energy tyranny of the Far East." This isn't as far fetched as it sounds. We're waging an Iraq war against a much less credible threat. Isn't a thirty five cent reduction worth going to war? I say it is. How did our oil get under their sand?

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