Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I wonder how it is, that we at large somehow believed, even for a minute, that Herman Cain had any possibility of winning the Office of the Presidency...let alone the Republican nomination.

This slow-moving train wreck of a candidate is exactly why Obama will remain in office until 2016. Really. What would you think of a future President Cain, having to make a snap decision with the red button on the desk...when he can't even manage allegations of a consensual affair. A total waste of Republican energy, he was.

A complete, total sham. He had no real intention, along with no real financial support, to win the Republican nomination. An outsider like Cain cannot win the nomination, ever. Proof of this is former Louisiana governor Buddy Rohmer, running for the office who hasn't even been invited to debate, a candidate who's held office before, unlike Cain. There's no reason to wonder why he's an outlier, as he's campaigning against the monetary power structure that infects the current political process.

So you Republicans should focus your energies on 2016. Rubio. Christie. Who knows who else, but certainly not the dumbasses running in 2012.

What do you think this nation would have become, had Ross Perot not dropped out of the 1992 race because of some perceived "shame" to be brought upon his daughter's wedding by the Republican establishment. What a sham that was, too. Some sort of "disgraceful event" foisted upon the ceremony of an unknown daughter of an outside candidate is apparently sufficient to derail the candidacy of an up and comer for the office of President? What is this?

All of this is representative of the shallowness, the ineptitude, and the slow-failure of our once worthy American culture. I will argue (and have argued here on this blog) that we are past the point of no return. We are slovenly. We are lazy. We think of ourselves as entitled above all others. We treat the presidential election as an extension of any reality TV episode nowadays, where we mentally equate Brandi Glanville's most recent tit-job with the Republican field running for president.

I have been, am, and will likely continue to assign American culture a CCC- rating...if I don't rate it at junk-status in the near future. And...just as Standard and Poor's ratings...this is only a opinion...

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