Saturday, June 4, 2011

Nineteen Months

Like adverts in an early-November newspaper ringed by sleigh bells and red ribbon, so too comes a presidential field well in advance of the actual election, still some nineteen months afar. Nineteen months.

We're going to have to watch Mobile Palin for that long? Romneycare attacks for nineteen months?

Palin indeed has a brilliant plant, though...creating the meme of a demoralized population living in hollowed out cities aching for a return to their former greatness. She most certainly can rile up hundreds of thousands of people whose manufacturing jobs have vanished overseas, never to return, or tens of thousands of families who've lost their homes, or who can't pay for $3.75 gas for their birthright to private automobiling fifty five miles a day. No problem with that, I suppose. It makes for good political theatre, particularly for someone who hasn't even announced her candidacy and who most certainly has no chance whatsoever in taking the GOP nomination. But man, nineteen out of every forty eight months in this nation we have to endure the slow torture of presidential politics. I kinda wish, by law, that campaigns were shortened; then, perhaps, lawmakers might get around to balancing budgets ha! or some other nonsense such as that.

Romney's announcement yesterday, among a crowd of exclusively-white New Hampshire geriatric residents, was indeed interesting. Not for the single race crowd directly, no, but rather for the indirect fact that we have a black president in office who needs to be removed not for being black no! but for being a socialist. Which I find compelling, because this crowd cannot and will not support socialism...except as it pertains to their Medicare, to their Social Security. Back off, all those who dare touch my entitlements!

You could argue the point that they've paid into these programs for life and now have the entitlement to receive benefits, but if you do the math, simple really, take note how within eight years of receiving the benefits as structured today their entire lifetime contributions have been exhausted and for every minute they live beyond they are on the public dole. Hmmm...sounds suspiciously like the government lavishing money on people who don't deserve it. In Palin's terms, "that sounds like socialism" (sound it out in your head with her Alaskan drawl, please.) But who, exactly, are the people whose money is being taken to be handed over to those who don't deserve it?
  • All those on Medicare?
  • All those on Social Security?
  • Wall Street?
  • The forty three million on food stamps?
  • Investment Bankers?
  • The 13.4 million unemployed, those on extended, extended, extended unemployment?
  • Our troops mired in endless decades-long wars?

None of them directly...but they are indeed handing money right back to themselves by way of a falling dollar and rising commodity prices as a consequence of their entire set of county, state and federal governments hopelessly broke. They pay for $3.50 gas horrors! yet get paid back with a food debit card. They pay for a $1.09 fast food taco horrors! but get paid back with week seventy eight's unemployment check.

Taxes on the middle class have only been reduced this year. I'm paying, as you are, 2% less this year thanks to the great compromise. We're hardly being taxed to death to support all those transfer payments to those who don't deserve it. I'm spending my 2% buying Chinese made shit, making sure Americans never again never! have to work in icky, icky manufacturing jobs. Nope, I'd say that I'm already doing my part for this nation, and yes, I'm willing to help out some more.

I'm helping out, yes, as I receive two shiny Lincoln cents each year for every ten dollars I save thanks to the bailing out of our investment banks, and I will surely get to watch my retirement savings melt away under inflation (or deflation, take your pick) that's sure to come once Moody's and our other stellar credit ratings agencies (you know, the ones who accurately bestowed AAA ratings on all those wholly defunct collateralized debt obligations) downgrade our nation's treasurys.

This is the perfect time to be debt free. I'm not completely debt free, but I'm not all that far away. The perfect time to not have to worry about being taxed to death to support all of you who don't deserve it -- I can handle it. But what I'm really going to struggle with is each one of these next...long...arduous...nineteen months.

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