Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Well, as I predicted, gasoline here along Franklin Blvd. has dropped to under four bucks a gallon before the end of May. That North African "democracy" was forcing us to pay another nickel per tank, well, we most certainly us consumers weren't terribly interested in promoting the freedoms of those oppressed, now were we? If it causes us pain at the pump, well, no democracy is worth that.

I indeed find it intriguing how we assume the Libyans and Egyptians are fighting for democracy -- I'd bet it has more to do with a whole lot of people trying to ensure yet one more day without food shortages. We flatter ourselves thinking that they're rioting in Syria and elsewhere for our two party form of paralyzed governance, two cars in every driveway and two dollar gasoline. Please.

I don't consider myself eco-guilty. While I am aware that based on my affluence and the technology that surrounds me I consume a greater share of the world's resources than the rest of humanity, I do not allow that to create guilt. I have tried to reduce my footprint, yes, but really more for personal reasons rather than some lofty, globalized vision for a carbon-free world. I am hamstrung in any serious quest to reduce resources because I live in Elk Grove-- with its stupendous infrastructure that demands the use of a private automobile for every facet of living. This is among the most energy intensive lifestyles possible...and we flatter ourselves thinking that 23-year old Egyptians in Tahrir Square are rioting for the right to consume 23-barrels of oil each year as we do.

Their demands are much more profound.

Meanwhile, we're getting our reprieve from those icky, icky high gas prices, and as such our interests in the affairs of the Middle East and North Africa is waning while our attention drifts back to the top two finalists who are now vocaling it out on Idol...or take your pick from our vast catalogue of reality programming. If we don't hear another peep from North Africa, meh.

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