Monday, January 18, 2010

Airport Scares

A few days ago yet another AIRPORT SCARE -- a Haitian immigrant walked in through the out door at JFK.

"Shut her down," the order came from security officials, "Shut that terminal down."

And so it goes. We're in crisis mode for some arbitrary and capricious time, after which we'll return to complacency mode. You gotta wonder -- how many immigrants, Chinese lovers, lost children, jaded mistresses, Alzheimer's patients, unauthorized airport sanitation workers, angry white women, and angst-ridden teens do you think errantly walked through those same security doors over the course of the last eighty four months since the last AIRPORT SCARE? Two dozen? More? If over the course of two weeks we've cracked down NY twice, most certainly these breeches of national security occur routinely.

I mean, I tried to sneak on board a bicycle tool kit for Christ's sakes...and got through four of six flights before it was removed from my possession stolen at Amsterdam. A terrorist? Please.

These are my monologues and I try to provide social commentary on the lunacy of our culture with tact, although I'm polarized and often offensive. Yet, to gain a truer picture of how the rest of my nation criticizes you only have to look to any newspaper's on-line comments. In the anonymity of cyberspace we find the true nature of our culture. This man, according to comments on the NY Daily News:

  • would understand English if the words "free food" or "free something" were being handed out.
  • wouldn't have walked through that security door if it were labeled "IMMIGRATION."
  • walked in because OJ Simpson told him to.
  • likely practices Voodoo.
  • is up to no good...what exactly would a Haitian be doing, hmmm? jet setting to NY on a regular basis?

Only in my America...

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