Saturday, February 28, 2009

More Housal Units

The difference between someone closing escrow today on a new housal unit and tomorrow, March 1st, is about $18,000.

While there's this glut, an absolute glut of empty units out there, the only way to qualify for this $18k would be to buy a new, never occupied home and so long as you've never owned a unit before.

The building industry association is creaming in their shorts thinking about how many housing starts this will create. I wonder if this is enough money to spur people to buy, or will they still think that housal unit prices will fall further, fall more than $18k? Honestly, I can't believe that modern Americans would hardly think twice about this, considering the $$ in their eyes when they realize they'll have no tax liability for a while. That means new curtains for the new house! And they can off that awful TV, get a new one!

It's like going to a car dealership, seeing row upon row of slightly used cars and the dealer telling you that the new one is the cheapest. He sets a higher price on all his repossessed used cars because the government has been willing to take over his excess inventory losses, and the commissions on the new cars are so much better. He's also willing to accept back your new car purchase if you lose your job anytime in the next 12 months...with certain financial provisions that make it worth his while, not yours.

A fantastic arrangement, eh?

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