Thursday, July 21, 2011


I had to make an on-site visit to a substation Tuesday, to retrieve relay settings from relays protecting transmission lines. I used to be able to do that remotely, but thanks to NERC reliability standards, our remote access was yanked away, causing me to sign out a vehicle and having to physically travel to the station. Don't bother complaining about higher electricity rates in the future -- you can thank NERC for a goodly piece of that.

And now, another reason not to complain about higher electric rates:

I traveled with a co-worker who has never had any problems telling me how he really wants Obama and his communist cronies out of the white house and Congress. You can guess which side of the isle he stands on. As I arrived at the substation gate I was a bit surprised to find it unlocked, but saw another truck inside the station. Still a violation, yes, even considering how NERC won't let me remotely log into a damn relay but copper thieves finding an easy way in due to a poor decision by a worker...that's overlooked?

I opened the control room door, the action of which rudely awakened two journeymen electricians who were napping in the comfortable conditioned air. It was indeed pretty warm outside, yes. While I gathered relay settings my co-worker and one of these two electricians then went to town, catching up on events, bitching about our management, relaying how one will retire in 340 days, and cracking racist jokes about Obama, as both these men find that nigger destroying the country with his socialistic agenda and giving money to people who don't deserve it.

As if taking a nap in a ratepayer subsidized air conditioned control room and getting paid $46 an hour to do so while bitching about giving money to those who don't deserve it doesn't represent the ultimate in rank hypocrisy.

This wasn't the first time I've seen this, nor will it be the last, and nor will it be the last time I'll get to hear well-to-do aging white men bitching about how they're getting taxed to death to support black deadbeats while fuckering away your electric rate-paying dollars sleeping inside an unlocked substation.

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