Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Four Dollars Thirty

I wonder what the California opinion is regarding this recent Gulf oil rig accident-- will we be even more receptive to drilling off our own coast?

The answer is "hell no" least, no for now. As long as gasoline is less than three dollars twenty, we'll forever be chanting "Save Our Coasts." Once, however, gas goes to four dollars thirty, Californians will change their tune. I'm sure we won't mind endangering our endangered marine wildlife "just a little bit" to keep commuting to Vegas every other weekend.

We'll, of course, prohibit California coastal drilling, but the Gulf of Mexico? Someone else's coast. Alberta tar sand water pollution? Too far north to care about. Along the West Side Highway near Bakersfield? Deserts are useless. The Nigerian Coast? Are you kidding me? A few oil slicks might actually improve the conditions in Lagos. Indonesia? Too brown. ANWR? Caribou are such useless beasts. Ecuador? Chevron's white lawyers will beat the brown indigents.

I ask this while blogging inside the most car-dominated culture on the face of the earth, a culture that sheds green tears for our coastline while demanding a growing percentage of imported oil from foreign nations and other states while we could care less about where it comes from and how it comes from...just so long as it comes.

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